The Department of English Language and Literature aims to provide students with a quality liberal arts education through its various degree programmes. The uniqueness of the Department lies in its multi-disciplinary character as reflected in the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes that it offers.
Our staff take an innovative and humanistic approach to programme design and programme development. Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities as well as in programme review and programme planning. It is believed that through students’ active involvement in such activities, as well as in other activities such as student society committee work, peer counselling programmes, academic week planning, overseas exchange programmes, and the overseas work attachment scheme, they will develop their leadership skills, independent thinking, communication skills, and organising skills.
Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)
Upon completion of this programme, students should be able to attain:
Effective Scholarship: students should demonstrate a good grasp of linguistic and literary knowledge, with relevant connections to major theories, concepts and schools of thought.
Academic Literacy: students should be able to analyze critically and creatively diverse texts and arguments, and to compose high-quality essays, projects and presentations employing appropriate rhetorical strategies and up-to-date IT tools.
English Proficiency: English Proficiency: students should be able to communicate effectively and competently in English in local and global contexts, both orally and in written form.
Research Skills: students should develop the ability to locate, evaluate and synthesize relevant information in literary and language studies from a variety of sources and media. They should also be able to identify a range of diverse explanations, interpretations, and theories in literary and language studies, and to apply these to specific texts.
International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives: students should adopt a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approach to learning so that knowledge and ideas from different disciplines may be combined to yield new insights, to solve problems, to complete projects, and to accomplish different written and oral English tasks. Students should also demonstrate cross-cultural awareness and value the importance of linguistic and cultural diversity.
Teamwork and Employability: students should demonstrate the capacity to work with people, to handle deadlines and responsibilities, to address interpersonal conflicts meaningfully, and to acquire social skills of a calibre that will contribute to their employability and personal growth.